- Board Views
From Corporate Governance of Sustainability to Sustainable Corporate Governance
What is the best way to integrate sustainability into the corporate governance framework? Boards of directors have chosen two distinct paths: the functional way, which focuses on corporate governance of sustainability, and the foundational approach, which leads to sustainable corporate governance. This article assesses the merits and limitations of both approaches and calls for a transition to sustainable governance. This requires board members to engage regularly with stakeholders and to continuously debate the underlying assumptions to further develop the governance framework as required.
- Board Views
Striving for Excellence in Venture Governance
The contribution of the venture board to entrepreneurial value creation, and its pivotal role in venture ecosystems, is often overlooked despite a long history of venture governance. History teaches us six principles of excellence in venture governance.
- Board Views
From Corporate to Ecosystem Governance
Mastering ecosystems is increasingly seen as key to strategic value creation in highly dynamic environments. The role of governance has become a key differentiator between organizations that win or lose from the ecosystem game. This article discusses the importance of governance to the successful creation, development, and growth of ecosystems and presents eight challenges to be addressed along the ecosystem lifecycle. It continues with a taxonomy of ecosystem governance that provides a menu of effective governance mechanisms to address these challenges. The article concludes with advice on how best to manage the transition from a corporate governance to an ecosystem governance focus.
- Board Views
Mission Accomplished? The State of Digital Governance
Five years ago, I invited a number of thought leaders to reflect with me on the role of the board of directors in the face of digitalization. The result was a collection of twelve perspectives on the governance of digitalization (Hilb 2017). Where are we now, five years, one pandemic, and perceived thousands of articles on digital governance later?
VR-Zertifikats-Programm 25.2
Befähigt Sie als Verwaltungsrätin und Verwaltungsrat einen effektiven Beitrag zur wirksamen Führung und Aufsicht von Unternehmen und Organisationen zu leisten.
22.8.2025 - 27.6.2026open
Dauer 16 Tage Sprache Deutsch Standort(e) Ermatingen, Luzern, St.Gallen und Weggis Investition CHF 19’500 -
Board Officer & Secretary Diplom-Programm 25
Ihr Weg zum diplomierten Board Officer & Secretary - das erste Programm in der Schweiz.
14.8.2025 - 16.8.2025open
Dauer 3 Tage Sprache Deutsch Standort(e) Zug Investition CHF 7'750 (inkl. Kursmaterial, Übernachtung, Mittagessen, Pausenerfrischung, Nachtessen und Social Events). -
Prof. Dr. Roman Lombriser
Lecturer, Swiss Board School
Prof. Dr. Roman Lombriser
Lecturer, Swiss Board School
Prof. Dr. Harry Korine
Lecturer, Swiss Board School
Prof. Dr. Harry Korine
Lecturer, Swiss Board School
Prof. Dr. Jean Philippe Bonardi
Lecturer, Swiss Board School
Prof. Dr. Jean Philippe Bonardi
Lecturer, Swiss Board School
Prof. Dr. Gilbert Probst
Vice President, Swiss Institute of Directors
Prof. Dr. Gilbert Probst
Vice President, Swiss Institute of Directors
Prof. Dr. Martin Hilb
Managing Partner, International Center for Corporate Governance
Prof. Dr. Martin Hilb
Managing Partner, International Center for Corporate Governance
Dr. Jérôme Monnier
Academic Director, Swiss Board School, Suisse romande
Dr. Jérôme Monnier
Academic Director, Swiss Board School, Suisse romande
Prof. Dr. Roland Müller
Vice Chair, Board Foundation
Prof. Dr. Roland Müller
Vice Chair, Board Foundation
Prof. Dr. Michael Hilb
Chair, Board Foundation
Prof. Dr. Michael Hilb
Chair, Board Foundation