
Connect with other Board Leaders

Sharing best governance practices among members of Switzerland’s leading networks for board members and secretaries is essential. The events of the Swiss Institute of Directors, be it the Swiss Board Day, the Swiss Board Circles, or the Swiss Board Visit, provide excellent opportunities to network and discuss the latest developments in corporate governance.

  • International Board Circle 24

    The International Board Circle offers internationally oriented board members the opportunity to exchange ideas with colleagues with similar interests and challenges and to discuss the latest trends in corporate management.

    20.6.2024, 16:00 - 22:00open

  • Swiss Board Day 24

    The annual Swiss Board Day offers an insight into the latest findings from VR practice and research and provides an opportunity for networking.

    21.6.2024, 10:00 - 17:15open

  • La Journée du Conseil d’administration 24

    Cette journée s’adresse aux membres de conseils d’administration et de directions générales d’entreprises cotées et non cotées de Suisse Romande.

    26.9.2024, 8:30 - 17:00open

  • Swiss Board Secretary Circle 24

    Die jährlich stattfindende Netzwerk-Veranstaltung für Corporate Secretaries bietet Gelegenheit, sich auszutauschen und einen Einblick in die neuesten Erkenntnisse aus der Corporate-Secretary-Praxis und -Forschung zu erhalten.

    23.10.2024, 17:00 - 21:00open

  • Swiss Board Circles 25

    Die Swiss Board Circles bieten die Gelegenheit, sich mit Kolleginnen und Kollegen auszutauschen und gleichzeitig neuste Trends der Governance zu diskutieren.

    10.1.2025, 9:00 - 17:30open

Empowering Board Leaders

Benefit from the full power of the combined offerings of the Swiss Board School, the Swiss Institute of Directors, and the International Center for Corporate Governance.


Equip yourself with the skills needed to become an even more effective board chair, member, or secretary. Benefit from a broad range of education programs and a knowledge base that combines best board practices with educational excellence.


Nurture your network and share ideas with other board leaders facing the same opportunities and challenges. Develop your board portfolio by identifying, assessing, and pursuing opportunities for open board positions.


Gain insights into the latest regulatory developments and academic research in corporate governance. Stay ahead of the curve by learning about upcoming trends and developments so you can truly add value to your boards.