Chartered Governance Institute (CGI)

The Chartered Governance Institute (CGI) is a professional organization that focuses on promoting and advancing the practice of good governance, corporate secretarial work, and administration within organizations. Originally established in the UK, the organization has a global presence and serves professionals in various sectors and industries. CGI offers a range of education, qualifications, training, and resources for individuals working in governance, risk management, compliance, company secretarial roles, and related areas. In recognition of its commitment to high standards and professionalism, CGI was granted a royal charter in several countries, which allows it to use the title “Chartered Secretaries and Administrators.”

CGI is a Network Partner of the Swiss Institute of Directors.

  • Prof. Dr. Roland Müller

    Vice Chair, Board Foundation

Chartered Governance Institute (CGI)


  • Swiss Board Secretary Circle 24

    Die jährlich stattfindende Netzwerk-Veranstaltung für Corporate Secretaries bietet Gelegenheit, sich auszutauschen und einen Einblick in die neuesten Erkenntnisse aus der Corporate-Secretary-Praxis und -Forschung zu erhalten.

    23.10.2024, 17:00 - 21:00open