Successful Graduation of the International Board Certificate Cohort 24
Congratulations to the successful graduates of the International Board Certificate Program 24 of the Swiss Board School and IMP-University of St. Gallen in collaboration with the HEC-Université de Lausanne.
In the final module, the participants presented and discussed their board development theses with their peers. This was the culmination of a year-long learning journey in the world of international corporate governance.
The Academic Director of SBS, Michael Hilb, congratulated the successful #boardleaders in his speech at the Graduation Dinner in the old town of St.Gallen.
The successful graduates (in alphabetical order):
Dr. Diane Black
Thibaut Gallineau
Anja Gladish
Remo Heusi
Michael Hunziker
Matthew Kilgarriff
Theo Knaus
Christoph Klose
Gennaro Lanzetta
Bruno Pirovino
Urs Steinegger
Emmanuel Uhlhorn