
Minutes are of great importance, not only because of their status as documents relevant to criminal law but also as a means of defense with regard to the Business Judgement Rule. This applies to both private and public companies, regardless of their corporate form. At the same time, however, there are still no electronic systems that can concisely summarize discussions or negotiations and record resolutions or decisions with the most important points. The demands on minute-takers are high and vary depending on the purpose of the minutes. In meetings or assemblies, a lot is said and often the votes are connected with great emotions.
- Board Views
From Corporate Governance of Sustainability to Sustainable Corporate Governance
What is the best way to integrate sustainability into the corporate governance framework? Boards of directors have chosen two distinct paths: the functional way, which focuses on corporate governance of sustainability, and the foundational approach, which leads to sustainable corporate governance. This article assesses the merits and limitations of both approaches and calls for a transition to sustainable governance. This requires board members to engage regularly with stakeholders and to continuously debate the underlying assumptions to further develop the governance framework as required.